I know I have been sidetracked alot lately, I have owed some images and some candies and even some PIF's...........
So I am doing my BLOG 12 Steps Program sorta speak.
I have a list of people that I will be sending there PIF's, IMAGES, SMALL CANDY AND "PLEASE FORGIVE ME CARDS" too,
Life has its way of getting in the way of Life and things that you want to do and some of you may think that I am a flaker, but actually I am not. I am just a mom, a wife and a daughter who has been going thru alot of stuff, not that I am making excuses and not that I want this out in the open, but PLEASE READ THIS.............
just before Christmas, my 15 year old daughter came home from school and I arrived about 5 minutes after and I noticed that she looked very pale and wide eyed. So like any mom would do, I ask her what is wrong. She says "Mom I dont want to walk home anymore", She begins to tell me that an older man followed her from the High School and continued to follow her till a block away from home. I panicked I cried and most of all I got Angry, and also I got a huge flashback of something that happened to me when I was 15, so we get in the car and I ask her what he was wearing and all the details she could remember....She said the guy was telling her how beautiful she was and to let him walk her home and all this crazy stuff......
She continued to walk home and managed to run away from the guy before he noticed she was gone because she entered a store and he followed, she grabbed the opportunity to run when he was the register paying for something.....ok so on my way back to the High School, we see the guy going right back towards the High School, I was shaking and nervous and my daughter was panicking so I called the police and told them the incident that happened.
It resulted in having him arrested because he told the detectives and the cops that the only thing he did was ask her "where he could purchase Phone Cards" when they asked my daughter who was obviously shaken up and scared, that if what he was sayin was true my daughter said No he never asked me that he kept telling me i was beautiful, why wouldnt i speak to him and he kept throwing flirtatious remarks at me.... so when the stories did not coincide, the detectives arrested him for Indecent Conduct towards a minor. We went to court and the judge really went to town with him, his charges were downgraded to Harrassment of a Minor, a Permanent Restrainging Order from the High School and my family and about a $1000 in fines, Plus the best part of the day, a Public Humiliation in front of the Court and those who witnessed the trial, and let me just say that the people in the court room were all parents, including the attorney that represented him, who spoke to us and apologized a million times because he had to work for him, but he wanted him to pay for what he did......
So Please I implore you always watch out for your Children especially your little girls, I was fortunate enough that nothing serious happened and I will always do what I have to do to protect my children.
My other gripe is that I have been battling a very big scare with Cervical Cancer, I am still not out of the woods, Dealing with this on top of what happened, really drains a person and you become depressed and you dont want to deal with anything or anyone, you just wish that you can throw the covers over yourself and take them off and POOF it will be gone, but its not that easy, its in your face all the time and in the back of your head every day......
So with this I ask you to please forgive me for not sending out your things on time, I have not forgotten about any of you and my concious beats me in the head all the time.. to get your things out...... Please expect to receive things over the next few weeks.....I promise that I will make amends and get your candies out to you all...