Jun 8, 2007


This was just too awesome, I have made my 1000 hits and then some. Well for that I would like to thank all the ladies who participated. I will be announcing the winner of the cutest blog candy around by tonight. So stay tuned, I enjoyed reading all of the comments and how all of you got into Stamping. I must admit some have made me laugh and I think I needed that because the way I got into stamping.
I started because my co-worker Sonia, (who was just here last night placing an order) invited me to her home on a Friday after work to a SU party. So I said I'll bite, and I went off to the party and after doing a few cards, I placed a $97. order so after I got that, I said hmmm this is a cool idea. I found another demo and just ordered my kit, along with that because i could not find a demo fast enough i had placed another order with another demo and in that order I had about $150. So I got my kit and my other order around the same time and It went downhill from there.
So Thank you Sonia for having the party and making me spend the money I really don't have, because now I can't even go the dollar store without searching around for any type of stamping or paper product. lol..
I'll get back to you ladies in the evening as I have a fun filled morning going to the Doctors to find out what is wrong with my annual PAP. I am crossing my fingers and praying that its nothing life threatening. So please my new Bella friends, say a little prayer for me today.

1 comment:

Betty O said...

You are in my prayers. I truly hope it's just one of those agravating things that happen when you have better things to do than worry!

Betty O